Why is she being so lavish in vanity when she has 14 children, collects food stamps, doesn't work and is still living at home with her aging parents? WTF!Your thoughts of Nadya Sullman getting regular French manicures at the salon, her hair done at the salon,?
...Sometimes we live no particular way but our own......
Let her live her life. A celebrity she is not.Your thoughts of Nadya Sullman getting regular French manicures at the salon, her hair done at the salon,?
She is a symbol for what's going wrong with the US economy right now!
She's the paragon of irresponsible action based solely on WANT and irrational emotions. The notion of ';I *WANT*, so I should HAVE, and damn whether I can afford to pay for any of it';. The notion there will always be someone else in society to bail her out for her own stupidity.
What makes Nadya's case so tragic is the brood of 14 children who will NOT have a chance at a healthy upbringing - unless they are taken away from her. She can be as much an idiot as she wants in her own private life but I feel for all those kids who have HER as a mother.
By the way, you forgot her UGLY plastic-looking cosmetic surgery. Only the blind are fooled that she's had nothing done.
In my opinion she is desperately trying to emulate her idol A. Jolie. Nadya's lips look totally ridiculous even more so than the rest of her so called attributes. She is one wacked out woman. She is living in her own egocentric reality despite how she is harming those around her.
what a lair she is, claiming to be ';poor';! you are right! why buy the expensive cosmetics- you need to support your children- RIGHT?
she is plain out loud D-U-M-B.
seriously. she has- how many? FOURTEEN KIDS!!!!
AND she does NOT work!!!!!!!
People say she is insane.. i dont think that she is insane but you are right that is wrong. She said to the news interviewer that everything she does is for her kids. But are you sure that she really did that and if she did isnt it possible that she got a coupon in the mail of free hair and nail work. You never know. all these rumors go around about celbrities to. and half of them arent real.
I guess I'm just grateful she's not following me around reporting to Y!A folks what I'm doing...
God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
Courage to change the things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.
She needs to save that money so she can attempt to support her litter. I guess since she has been offered $1mil to do porn, she feels that it is ok to splurge on manicures and hair salons so she will look good (gag) in it.
child services need to take those kids, and kill the octomom. also the media needs to stop talking about her and obama for 85% of the news.
Without even including the vanity items, she seems to be too lavish, just by having so many children.
Actually, I try to think of that irresponsible plastic twit as infrequently as possible.
I'd be a happy man if I could go a day without hearing or reading her name.
I DESERVE EVERYTHING I WANT! YOU SHOULD ALL LOVE AND CARE FOR ME (and the 14 little b******s that came out of my huge gaping v*****)!
shes just exploiting all the donated money and all the things that kind hearted people i heard she was gonna start doing porn it came out on the news lmao
I wish the media would just leave her alone, then she would fade to black. This would not be news 30 years ago.
She needs to look good to whore herself out to more men.
I think it's already been established that she's a lazy dimwit, so let's move on to the next subject, shall we?
I feel bad for the children. They are the victims of this.
All those interviews...
She's a mess. And who watches her kids while she's at the salon or nail place?
She's counting on a book deal, reality show, or a major motion picture. lol
She doesn't have very many brain cells.
She's dumb.
yeah-i hate her, too. but going on TV shows pays off!
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